Last Updated on

October 5th, 2023 05:12 am

Official “non-state actor” side event to the WHA organized by Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and Medicus Mundi International, with partners.

What role does civil society play in upholding fundamental human rights in universal health coverage and primary health care? What is needed to ensure that key, vulnerable and underserved populations benefit from universal health coverage?

This event showcased the importance of increasing the understanding, and scaling up, of political and financial support to community-led responses for health. Panelists discussed innovative models and approaches to community responses to health.

  • Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General
  • Grace Kamau, Executive Director, African Sex Workers Alliance, Kenya
  • Michael Ssemakula, Health Rights Researcher and Advocate at HURIC
  • Julie Hall, Chief of Staff, International Federation of Red Cross
  • Monique Kamphuis, Permanent Mission of The Netherlands
  • Panel moderated by Rico Gustav, Executive Director GNP+

Link to the event

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