Last Updated on
October 5th, 2023 05:09 am
PHM Uganda to engage more the communities through the UHC Day outreach activity. The event was organized by Rural Aid Uganda together with HURIC-Uganda under the PHM– Uganda umbrella with Ngabo Youth Friendly Service Centre and Global Health Corps.

The event was held in one of the typical Kampala Slums—at Katwe sports ground to have an experience sharing event on how people in such underserved and segmented areas access essential health services.
We capitalized on community conceptualization of UHC. Teaching people in this local community what UHC is about and where is their role in enhancing social accountability in health as we advance community centric approaches to achieve 2030 SDG agenda. Community understanding of Universal Health Coverage is so imperative, these are the primary beneficiaries. In order to enable social accountability and hold the policy and service enablers accountable on certain policies, we must begin essentially with the community appreciation of UHC, their rights, duties and responsibilities in the health system.