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  • Create Date April 2, 2022
  • Last Updated August 2, 2023


The Data Protection and Privacy Act 2019 was passed by the Ugandan Parliament to protect the privacy of individuals and personal data by regulating the collection and processing of personal information. The act provides for the rights of persons whose data is collected and the obligations of data collectors, data processors, and data controllers. It also regulates the use or disclosure of personal information.


The Act applies to a person, institution or public body collecting, processing, holding or using personal data within Uganda or outside Uganda who collects, processes, holds or uses personal data relating to Ugandan citizens and prohibits a data collector, data processor or data controller from collecting, holding or processing personal data in a manner which infringes on the privacy of a data subject.
person who contravenes the provisions of this law commits an offense and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding three hundred currency points or imprisonment not exceeding three years or both.

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